The Choice of Inequality Measure in Empirical Research on Distributive Judgments
Decoster, A. and Schokkaert, E. (2001), The Choice of Inequality Measure in Empirical Research on Distributive Judgments, Journal of Economics-Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie 9, p. 197-222 (Impactfactor 0,525).
We analyse questionnaire data from a representative sample of the Flemish working population. For 781 respondents we construct their perception of the actual and of the fair income distribution. We check whether the use of dierent inequality measures leads to dierent interpretations of these data. The ranking of individuals on the basis of their perceived and fair inequality is hardly aected and the same is true for the explanation of the interindividual variation. However, the simple classication of individual respondents in those who want and those who do not want less inequality does depend on the measure used in 20% of the cases. Moreover, the tendency to equalise is a poor measure of conservatism.