Decoster, A. and Verbina, I. (2003), Who Pays Indirect Taxes in the Russian Federation?, Wider Discussion Paper 2003/58, Helsinki, Wider.
Publication Category: 2003
Homeownership and the life cycle: an ordered logit approach
Capéau, B., Decoster, A., and Vermeulen, F. (2003), Homeownership and the life cycle: an ordered logit approach, Discussion Paper Series DPS 03.08, Center for Economic Studies, Leuven.
The rise or fall of world inequality. Big issue or apparent controversy?
Capéau, B. and Decoster, A. (2003), The rise or fall of world inequality. Big issue or apparent controversy?, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 48(4), 547-572.
Woonuitgaven en –belastingen als determinant van de sociale welvaart
Capéau, B. and Decoster, A. (2003), Woonuitgaven en –belastingen als determinant van de sociale welvaart [Housing expenditures as determinant of social welfare], in: SBOV, (eds.), Tussen bestuurskunde en bestuurspraktijk. Bijdragen voor duurzaam besturen in Vlaanderen. Jaarboek 2002, Leuven, die Keure, pp. 290-305.
Weighting with individuals, equivalent individuals or not weighting at all. Does it matter empirically
Decoster, A. en E. Ooghe (2003), “Weighting with individuals, equivalent individuals or not weighting at all. Does it matter empirically”, in J. Bishop en Y. Amiel (editors), Research on economic inequality. Volume 9, 173-190.