Sutherland, H, Decoster, A., Matsaganis, M. and Tsakloglou, P (2009), AIM-AP, Accurate Income Measurement for the Assessment of Public Policies, Final Report STREP Project no. 028412, ISER- Essex.
Publication Category: 2009
Imputation of expenditures into the income datasets
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., Loughrey, J., O’Donoghue, C., and Verwerft,D. (2009), Imputation of expenditures into the income datasets, Workpackage 3.5 of Accurate Income Measurement for the Assessment of Public Policies (AIM-AP,EU-Contract no 028412)., Leuven.
Comparative analysis of the distributional impact of combined changes in direct and indirect taxes and benefits for five European countries
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., Loughrey, J., O’Donoghue, C., and Verwerft, D. (2009), Comparative analysis of the distributional impact of combined changes in direct and indirect taxes and benefits for five European countries, Workpackage 3.6 of Accurate Income Measurement for the Assessment of Public Policies (AIM-AP,EU-Contract no 028412), Leuven.
Users’ guide to simulate indirect taxes in EUROMOD
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., Loughrey, J., O’Donoghue, C., and Verwerft, D. (2009), Users’ guide to simulate indirect taxes in EUROMOD, Deliverable 3.7 of Accurate Income Measurement for the Assessment of Public Policies (AIM-AP,EU-Contract no 028412), Leuven
Microsimulation Model for Social Security MIMOSIS and EUROMOD
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., Maréchal, C., Paszukiewicz, A., Perelman, S., Vandenbroucke, P., Verbist, G. and Van Camp, G. (2009), Microsimulation Model for Social Security MIMOSIS and EUROMOD, Final Report Project AG/00/138 (MIMOD), Leuven.
L’autonomie fiscale des Régions en Belgique: Evaluation et perspectives
Decoster A, Valenduc C. et Verdonck M (2009), L’autonomie fiscale des Régions en Belgique: Evaluation et perspectives, Documentatieblad Ministerie van Financiën, 69(4), 167-191.
Welfare effects of alternative financing of social security. Some calculations for Belgium
Capéau, B., Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., and Orsini, K. (2009), Welfare effects of alternative financing of social security. Some calculations for Belgium, in Harding, A., Williamson, P. and Zaidi, A. (eds.) (2009) New Frontiers in Microsimulation Analaysis, Ashgate, Ch 17, p. 437-470.
Zijn onze belastingen (nog) progressief?
Decoster, A. (2009), Zijn onze belastingen (nog) progressief? In: Vranken, J., Campaert, G., Dierckx, D. en Van Haarlem, A. (red.) Armoede en Sociale Uitsluiting. Jaarboek 2009, Leuven / Voorburg: Acco, pp. 145-162.
Decoster, A. (2009) Introduction in: Decoster, A. (ed.) (2009) On the interaction between subsidiarity and interpersonal solidarity, by J. H. Drèze, Re-Bel E-book 1,
Solidarity: regions or persons? Some calculations to illustrate the ‘by-product’ status of interregional transfers
Decoster, A. and Verwerft D. (2009) Solidarity: regions or persons? Some calculations to illustrate the ‘by-product’ status of interregional transfers in: Decoster, A. (ed.) (2009) On the interaction between subsidiarity and interpersonal solidarity, by J. H. Drèze, Re-Bel E-book 1,