Decoster, A. and Van Parijs, P. (2010). Cerpe, Vives, Lovanium. Simulation and graphical presentation of three radical proposals for a more transparent funding of Belgium’s regions, mimeo.
Publication Category: 2010
Empirical welfare analysis in random utility models of labour supply
Decoster, A., Haan, P. (2010). Empirical welfare analysis in random utility models of labour supply. CES – Discussion paper series DPS10.30, 1-36 pp. Leuven: KULeuven CES and IZA-paper DP 5301.
Effective average and marginal tax rates in the Belgian tax benefit system
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., Van Camp G. (2010). Effective average and marginal tax rates in the Belgian tax benefit system, Final Report (Part 1) of the project “Belasting op arbeid en mogelijke arbeidsaanbodreacties” funded by FPS Social Security Leuven, KULeuven CES, 1-59pp.
Modelling labour supply and policy reform in the Belgian tax benefit model MIMOSIS
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., Van Camp G. (2010). Modelling labour supply and policy reform in the Belgian tax benefit model MIMOSIS, Final Report (Part 2) of the project “Belasting op arbeid en mogelijke arbeidsaanbodreacties” funded by FPS Social Security Leuven, KULeuven CES, 1-33pp.
Feasibility study: how to integrate labour supply in the Belgian tax benefit model MIMOSIS?
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K. (2010). Feasibility study: how to integrate labour supply in the Belgian tax benefit model MIMOSIS?, Final Report (Part 3) of the project “Belasting op arbeid en mogelijke arbeidsaanbodreacties” funded by FPS Social Security Leuven, KULeuven CES, 1-11pp.
A Belgian flat income tax: effects on labour supply and income distribution
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K., and Orsini, K. (2010), A Belgian flat income tax: effects on labour supply and income distribution, Review of Business and Economics 55(1), 23-54.
Effecten van een voorgestelde regionale inkomstenbelasting op de regionale ontvangsten
Decoster, A., De Swerdt, K. (2010). Effecten van een voorgestelde regionale inkomstenbelasting op de regionale ontvangsten. Leuvense Economische Standpunten LES2010/131, 1-18 pp. Leuven: KULeuven CES.
Waarom een splitsing van de personenbelasting geen goed idee is.
Decoster, A., Proost, S. (2010). Waarom een splitsing van de personenbelasting geen goed idee is. Leuvense Economische Standpunten LES 2010/133, 1-22 pp. Leuven (Belgium): KULeuven CES.
Toward more responsible Regions? A comment on the proposals by CERPE (Namur) and CES-VIVES
Decoster, A. and Van Parijs P. (2010) Toward more responsible Regions? A comment on the proposals by CERPE (Namur) and CES-VIVES in: De Grauwe P. and Dewatripont M. (eds.) Towards a more efficient and fair funding of Belgium’s regions? Re-Bel E-book 5,
Economie, een inleiding
Decoster, A. (red.) (2010), Economie, een inleiding, Universitaire Pers Leuven.